God vs G-dBelow is a recent email conversation my mother and I had.
your quotes on hey paul sound like blaspheme to G-d.

Which quotes (they change every time you reload the page) and why?

If there is a god, it’s probably blasphemy that you’re too afraid to spell out his name (G-d). Might that be the modern-day equivalent of Peter denying he knows Christ?
The spelling God as G-d. This has its origin in the third commandment, "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain" (Exo. 20:7). Many Jews later became so cautious not to break this commandment that they quit pronouncing the name of God altogether, for fear that they might say it in vain. This is why we are not sure exactly what the vowels were for the divine name of God in the Old Testament (YHWH), known today as the tetragrammaton. "Yahweh" is the closest approximation we have. When a Jew would come across this name when reading the Old Testament, instead of saying God's name, he would say "Adonai," which means "Lord" or "Master." They would also use other words in place of the name of God, or even the title, "God." Notice that Matthew usually substitutes the phrase "kingdom of heaven" where the other gospels have "kingdom of God." We are told that before a Massoretic scribe would even write the name of God, he would first wash himself and then he would use a new pen. This is all done out of respect for the name of God and for fear of breaking the third commandment. What you see today with this hesitation even to write the title "God" is simply an outgrowth of this Jewish piety.

Let me add that this is nowhere commanded in scripture. We see faithful men of God calling upon him and using his name throughout the Bible. We can and should use God's name properly. However, we should also take a lesson from these Jews not use God's name without respect, or "in vain" as the scripture says. Taking God's name in vain includes a whole lot more than saying it in connection with curse words. Whenever we say "God" or "Lord" or "Christ" it should be with respect and devotion. We should never use God as a substitute for "Wow!" or simply say his name as an expression of anger or frustration.

Simply, I choose to believe there is a mighty G-d. I am sorry that your intellect believes something different that you will never be able to prove G-d does not exist. You should try disputing the facts from the other way and see where you come out. Try your scientific mind of disproving others. You will be outstanding. Very prophetic name hey "Paul". Don't you think? He too was zealous on issues.

A mom who believes in G-d. The King of Kings.

It's sort of sad that while you're trying to obey a god that insists you praise him non-stop, you also have to live in fear the you might just say his name wrong and thus be condemned for blasphemy. Seems rather capricious to me—if not down right cruel. Then again, it's just a story, so I suppose it doesn't really matter.

As for the prophetic nature of Hey Paul? The blog is actually named after a song Steve, Toby and I wrote about Paul Bunyon (back when we were young and did stupid things like that for no good reason).
Paaaaul Bunyonnnn
He's six foot threeeeeee and real, real stroooong
(OK, I can see the prophecy in that)
And he knows how to get the women, women, women
(nope, definitely not prophetic)

As for proving whether god does or does not exist: there is absolutely no evidence to support belief in a supernatural being. Rational discourse does not begin by assuming the absurd and trying to disprove it. If so, I'd be interested in hearing your evidence against the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I find it curious that if you try to converse with Christians about the existence of God and other unbelievable dogmas on an intellectual level, they will take two different courses—at the same time. On the one hand they will tell you that you can't apply reason and logic to religion. You just have to have faith. Then they'll turn right around and tell you about all the Old Testament prophecies Christ supposedly fulfilled or about some minor archeological find that they construe to support the biblical historical record. It's as if Christians know deep down that we all live in a world of reason and logic and their religion just doesn't fit anymore. For more on this topic, read Sam Harris's excellent book The End of Faith: Religion, Terror and the Future of Reason.