Today the New York Times has an interesting article about how we all cope with life's little annoyances. From telemarketers and junk mail to that pretentious Starbucks dialect.
Life can involve big hardships, like being fired or smashing up your car. There is only so much you can do about them. But far more prevalent - and perhaps in the long run just as insidious - are life's many little annoyances.

These, you can do something about.

To examine the little weapons people use for everyday survival is to be given a free guidebook on getting by, created by the millions who feel that they must. It is a case study in human inventiveness, with occasional juvenile and petty passages, and the originators of these tips are happy to share them.

"They're an integral part of how people cope," said Prof. James C. Scott, who teaches anthropology and political science at Yale University.

In the words of Jean-Paul Sarte, "Hell is other people." Here's how we cope. Hat tip: kottke