At last I am back in State College again. I had a wonderful time in California, yet again reaffirming in my mind how lucky I was to have grown up in paradise. Even the rain couldn't spoil the joy of being on the Central Coast. I hiked, I walked the beach, I visited friends and family, I saw great movies, I took thousands of pictures, and just generally basked in the glory that is home.

Alas, the trip was a bit of a reality check for me. As much I would love to move back there someday, I just don't see how anybody affords it--housing is just through the roof. I can't imagine how a recent graduate--even one with in-demand doctorate--could possibly afford to buy a home in the state of California. And the way I see it, I've spent too long in school and worked too hard not to be a homeowner. I could see renting for a little while just 'till I got settled, but I don't see how that makes it any easier to buy a home out there. And there's no way in hell I'm getting roommates! Anyway, I guess that's all to be figured out in the months to come. Any suggestions you might have on how someone goes out about moving to California without breaking the bank would be greatly appreciated. In the meantime, I'll be looking for jobs on either seaboard.


Blogger richard  said...

I enjoyed your photos of the central coast that you posted on flickr. I just "blogged" one of them at Welcome home... glad you enjoyed our weather!

Friday, January 07, 2005  

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